Friday, January 04, 2008

Best movie endings of 2007, vol. 1

I recently went over this year's list of Oscar eligible films and really confronted how few films I saw last year. In order to turn over a new leaf, I thought I could honor the year coming to a close by looking back at the ten best film endings of 2007. So in no particular order, here are the first two, a couple of closing moments remarkable for their excesses, in both humor and horror.

Death Proof (major spoilers)

I think this entire film was built in reverse starting with a theme captured best in one shot that kicks off the closing credits: Rosario Dawson lifting her leg straight out as far as she can, and dropping a daring heel right onto Kurt Russell's head. Each segment of the film serves to add, one piece at a time, all the elements Tarantino needed to set up his final scene, using an entire half of the film to flesh out early victims so he can create real jeopardy at the climax. All that work means his heroines' sudden reversal makes for one of the most visceral grrrl power moments in cinema without trite misandry. And I positively giggled when Rosario dropped that heel on Stuntman Mike, that was just a fucking good time.

Hostel part II

Obviously what was most remarkable about Hostel part II was really the opening, in that it got to the point a hell of a lot quicker than the first installment (which tried to keep restless teenagers in their seats with an increasingly tedious parade of bland boob shots). But I did enjoy the ending, in which a film franchise that seemed to take itself way more seriously than human reason could permit finally just threw up its hands and admitted how silly it is to watch a movie about a resort created to relieve the ennui of sociopaths. When Beth shows up as the Grim Reaper with a scythe, and the violins start keeping time to the cute but menacing children playing soccer with a hot chick's head I had to laugh, and that burst of silliness was like a sweet (but gory) dessert to sweep away the taste of a very over-seasoned meal.

Next up (when I get around to it): Zodiac and Zwartboek

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