For you football and/or racism fans, am I the only one who finds a bit of a double standard around Tom Brady's boy scout image and the mild reaction of the press to the fecund lair that is his bedroom? Despite his clean image he currently has two women pregnant at the same time, including one of Leondardo DiCaprio's former playmates. It's not that I think this is such a terrible thing, provided he supports his progeny, but I wonder why the man who could do no wrong isn't being skewered for this, compared to Shawn Kemp's illegitimate children, or the Vikings Sex Cruise, or the heat Randy Moss took for pretending to drop his pants to Packer fans (who actually moon the Vikings bus every year). If he didn't have three superbowl rings the situation might be different, but I honestly believe that the reason he gets complimented rather than castigated for his prowess in bagging Bridget Moynahan and Giselle Bundchen in the same week (maybe not the same week but I guess we'll see from their due dates) is he's white. If Tiger Woods or Daunte Culpepper had to rush out and buy two baby carriages this fall, it would be heralded as confirmation of the breakdown of the family in the black community, and his failure to be a role model. That may just be my own white guilt and paranoia talking.
Get your facts straight! Bridget IS pregnant - the trap move was played hard by her on that one. and Gisele has come out a week ago and said she is NOT pregnant!